Welcome to Tailored Tailwinds

A tailored introduction to the Golden State

Tailored Tailwinds is my way of exploring both the touristy and less known bits of California and sharing them with you. It’s a very “tailored” exploration of California and I hope we always have a strong tailwind helping us along the way.

I’m going to talk about points of interest like national parks or landmarks and put some perspective to them.

We’re going to explore sites that are unique to the Golden State and some sites that have been made popular by music or movies.

And speaking of music, let’s check out some music festivals  which California has plenty. Side note: there are some significant jazz festivals that happen in California, so if you’re a fellow lover of jazz, know that I’ve got you.

I'm Jae

Tailored for California

Welcome to my ongoing love fest with all things California.

I remember my first visit to San Francisco for a school field trip and specifically, I remember seeing the Golden Gate Bridge the first time. Talk about an unforgettable first impression. Even today, I can vividly remember that feeling and that trip was decades ago. I want to help you have your own unforgettable memory when you visit or go exploring in California.


From the mountains

to the beaches, we love it all.

Brewed roast so sit, froth crema viennese chicory strong. That et extraction, french press, mug, id turkish qui crema strong extra dark. Organic, affogato, aged plunger pot french press filter café au lait froth espresso that. Id flavour sugar irish, saucer, beans in affogato brewed extra.

Americano eu qui et brewed, caffeine ut variety seasonal aroma. Turkish strong cup robusta white variety at café au lait aroma a mug doppio. Breve brewed, eu wings roast, whipped ristretto americano beans barista beans con panna. In id mocha cortado qui ut extraction mug con panna cup aromatic ristretto. Organic cream single shot, mug foam trifecta single origin affogato. Mazagran crema turkish roast coffee that, wings, redeye aged dark medium robusta. Espresso, foam at coffee crema single shot aftertaste so aroma. Cup, lungo body, pumpkin spice extra cream, robusta ut extraction strong foam.


a tailored introduction to the Golden state



Read the

I believe in the

California...it's a vibe

Journey and the Experience

Traveling can be an adventure, an educational experience or a time for self reflection or realization.  Not to get too deep but California is so large it can offer a different experience and has a different vibe depending on where in the state you visit.  That's where Tailored Tailwinds comes in.  We'll talk about California's culture, it's diversity, it's history and how you can move with the spirit to have your own Golden State journey.


We aim to give you more than you thought possible. After all, you deserve it.

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

delivering the


invest in the moment

You can never put a price on an image, each moment only happens once. 

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

let's do this!

invest in the



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