5 Common California Questions

When people find out I’m a native Californian, they go all in on certain common questions or comments when thinking about their visit.  Usually, they’ve never been to California but “really want to go”.  They’ve heard that the beaches are as beautiful as all the pictures they’ve seen on Instagram/Pinterest/tv/movies/whatever.  I usually respond to them that they should go and experience the state for themselves and find out what the hype is all about.  So I’ll tell you like I tell them, visit!!  

Here are the 5 common California questions that people ask and my answers.  Let me know what questions or comments you have…let’s see what you’ve got!

1. Is it really as expensive as everyone says it is?

HECK YEAH, it is.  Look, I’m not going to sugar coat this at all.  You WILL pay a lot for EVERYTHING.  Just accept it and move on.  There’s not much you’re going to be able to do about it, so how about you just not stress over it.  It’s California, it’s expensive.  Period.

2. What’s up with the traffic?

*sigh*  This one gets old because let’s be real, don’t all major big cities have crazy stupid traffic?  Yes they do.  Here’s my bias…LA drivers are the best drivers.  We’re not nice, don’t misunderstand me.  We have somewhere to go, we drive aggressive and deliberate.  As long as you keep it moving, it’s all good. I’ve lived in Dallas, TX and the DC metro area, so trust me when I say I’ve seen some things.  There’s a difference between aggressive and deliberate (I can deal) and fast and reckless (who gave you a license??).  To this day I stand by my opinion that you can navigate LA and Bay Area traffic when you understand the “flow” and are flexible about when you’re on the road.

3. Where can I see a movie star?

Come on people… really?  I get it, Hollywood.  But there is SO much more to Los Angeles than seeing a movie star.  Think outside the box.  If you really must, my best advice is to take one of those red bus tours.  I’m not a groupie, never have been.  Keeping it real?  I can’t help you with this one.

4. Are there really naked people walking around Berkeley?

I love this one.  I’m a Cal grad…Go Bears!…and in relation to all things Berkeley, I either get this one, have I been in a protest, or where’s the best weed.  Yes, there were naked folks around campus and yes, there was a naked guy who went to class, but that was back in the 90s.  I haven’t heard of any recently, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any birthday-suit folks hanging around.  Yes, I was in a protest and I think it was against Prop 180-something?  I have to look it up.  Can’t answer the weed question.  I would argue that’s a personal preference and leave it at that!

5. Is it worth going to Pier 39, Fisherman’s Wharf?

Meh, I would say yes.  Go get your pictures.  When I take out of town friends around the Bay Area, I really have to hit up Pier 39 and Fisherman’s Wharf, just because.  You go once though and you don’t need to go again.  You’re there, it’s there, it’s touristy as hell and maybe a little corny, but honestly, a visit to San Francisco isn’t really a visit if you don’t see the sea lions and the wharf.  Plus, it’s how you get out to Alcatraz, so go and say you’ve been.

I’m sure there are many more questions coming to your mind, so hit me up in the comments and let’s see what inquiring minds want to know.  Of course I’m sure you can guess what part of my answer is going to be:  You can plan your trip and find out first hand for yourself and have a great time doing it!!!

May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back,


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