Jae’s Check-In

We’re coming to the end of the first month of 2023 and my first month having a website.  That still makes me smile.  Going through the places and sites in California to prep for the blog entries is like taking a stroll down memory lane.  I’m having a lot of “Oh yeah, I remember when we went there” moments.  Writing the blog is also making me truly realize how awesome this state really is.  How many times am I going to say that?  Probably a lot.

When I was putting together a content calendar, which at first I thought was a waste of time, I was trying to group things together.  You might see patterns in certain months, like Black History month or the months where there are certain things are going on…jazz festivals, the Oscars, Fleet Week, sporting events, etc.  Mostly it’s what I felt like writing about at the time.

So for February, we’ve got Black History Month, the Grammy’s and some nature stuff going on.  I know some folks aren’t into the outdoors and nature and all that, but open your mind for me.  Seriously, we’ve got the beaches, mountains, tons of national and state parks and a whole lot a nature in the state.  If nothing more, just think about getting outside…

As always…

May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back,


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