If you’re all about visiting super fancy stadium’s, SoFi Stadium in Inglewood should be on your bucket list. You don’t have to go to a concert or a game to visit because they have guided tours. And as always, I’m here to tell you all about it.
SoFi in Inglewood
Inglewood is really close to LAX, so if your visit to California is to southern or LA, it would be easy to include SoFi Stadium. You have to have a ticket which is easily bought online here and my advice is to avoid the Friday or weekend of a game. This is mainly because you won’t be able to go on the field or check-out the locker rooms. And if you’re going to go, why miss out on any part?
If you watched any part of SuperBowl LXI, you got a good feel of the stadium itself, but to see it in person is to realize its size and all the tech in it. The pictures below don’t do it justice, but I wanted to share all the same.
Stadium Tour Highlights
Walking up to SoFi Stadium from the south you’ll see the lake where they had the SuperBowl pre-game entertainment/concert. When you get to your seat, the big round thing above the field is both state of the art sound and video. If you can catch a concert, it would be worth going for the sound alone.
On your tour, you’ll see the areas where the “other side” sits. The box seats, private eating areas, champagne bars, luxury seating…all that stuff. If you picked the right day to go, you can run through the players tunnel onto the field. They have football throwing challenges (I threw both my passes in the target area thank you very much!). And you can go see the locker room or either the Rams or the Chargers. Yes, they have different space. Once the tour guide gets you to the player tunnel, you’re somewhat on your own to check out the field area which is really cool (at least to me it was).
The stadium itself is impressive because I consider it an outdoor stadium even though it feels enclosed. The roof isn’t attached to the sides and there’s open space at the top. You’re always kinda outdoors because there’s that breeze coming in from above and the sides are open as well. You’ll see what I mean when you visit.
If you get in for a game or concert, go wander around and see what you can see. If you’re into visiting football stadiums, let me know where SoFi sits on your ranking list.
Until next time…
May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back.
