We’ve made it to the 2nd week of the 2nd month of 2023. How does it feel? Are you ready to check out California yet? What’s the hesitation?
In my mind, February is somewhat of a change month in California. We don’t necessarily have a real winter unless you’re in the mountains, so going into the spring or March, is basically the days slowly getting longer and looking towards not having to wear a coat. Or the California version of a coat.
This month it seems like there’s a little something for everyone. Music = Grammys. Sports = Super Bowl and definitely skiing. Nature = monarch butterflies. And then overall, it’s Black History Month. Lots to unpack there in regards to California.
It might be a short month, but there’s lots to do and see. What are you looking forward to this month?
May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back.
