Jae’s Check-In: Black History Month

February is right around the corner, yes already, and that means exploring some Black history in our great state.  This February will feature folks of interest from way back.  Think gold rush days and the founding or naming of one of California’s more noted National Parks.  I’ll take you down to San Diego to check-out some amazing and not to miss art museums.  And why not spend some time learning about the Watts riots and how that time period affected Los Angeles and how it’s reflected in South Central LA today.

Black History Month is the perfect time to do a little digging, check out some books on history or simply reflect on times gone by compared to where we are today.  It might be a little depressing, might piss you off or might give you some hope for where California can go in the future.

I’m glad you’re along for the journey or have just joined us on our California adventure.

Until next time,

May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back

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