Hear me out, YES, you really do want to visit the beach in the winter. You’re in California, there’s no snow on the ground unless you’re in the mountains. Or are living in bizarro California…aka the last week of February. Climate change is real people! Don’t try and convince me otherwise! If you’re in the southern part of the state during a “regular” winter (!!), it isn’t that cold. Maybe 60s? Granted for a native Californian, anything below 70 is freezing to me, but temperature is all relative. Here are 3 really good reasons to visit California beaches in the winter.
Reason 1: Fewer People
I know you’re looking at me/this post sideways. When folks think beach, they’re probably thinking summertime. Let’s say you head out in March AND you go in the middle of the week. Hey, NO kids because they’re in school. Likely very few of anybody else because they’re thinking the same thing you are…winter and cold. Picture me shooing you out the door, just go.
Reason 2: Golden Sunsets
The sun setting over the Pacific in March (I’m sticking to the month) has a certain hue to it. I’m guessing because the air is clearer or maybe the tilt of the earth. You flat earth believers out there, this ain’t for you. I don’t know what the real reason is, but go, see for yourself and let me know your impression. I love sitting out at Dockweiler watching the sun go down and just being at ease with life.
Reason 3: Special views from the beach in winter
What I mean here is dolphins, whales or any other sea creatures. A friend and I boycotted an office party and went to Pacifica (south of San Francisco) one afternoon. We ended up at Rockaway Beach and just sat and talked. I don’t know if I’m an outlier, but I always have a beach towel and a blanket in my car trunk. Anyway, we’re sitting there and all of the sudden we see things jumping out of the water. A pod of dolphins were out playing. They were out there having a ball for a while! It’s afternoons like that where you realize that if you chill, put down the phone and live in the moment, life has a lot to show you.
Now keep in mind, you’ll probably need a jacket and if you’re in the Bay Area, you’ll DEFINITELY need one, especially if that fog rolls in. That aside, I really do think you’ll enjoy visiting any of the California beaches in the winter. Let me know how it goes!
May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back
