Is it just me, or is this year flying on by? I’m just checking-in on everyone real quick. We made it through winter (barely…do you want to see any more snow…or rain??) and here we are with trees leafing out and flowers trying to do their thing. Hello spring! And thankfully, days are finally getting longer. I need more sunlight in my life!
I’ve got to say that there’s a really cool art exhibit at the Getty Museum that I’m looking forward to next month. I’ll be sharing my feedback about the exhibit soon and also share some Getty stories and tidbits later this week.
We’ve also got to talk shop about sports. Not sure how I’ve managed to avoid that up to now, but my friends, the time has come. Sports talk is hard to avoid seeing as we’ve got how many basketball teams? Multiple football teams, plus hockey, plus soccer. Those last 2 I know very little about, but still…
Lastly but certainly not least of all, here’s to Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day which was on March 8th. The Women’s Day is a United Nations sanctioned global holiday celebrating women’s contributions to society and raising awareness about the fight for gender parity. #womensday Go out and celebrate by supporting a woman-owned business!
Until next time…
May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back
