If you’re out wandering on the East Bay, head over to Richmond to check out the WWII Homefront National Park. I simply call it the Rosie the Riveter Museum, but either will get you to Richmond.
Quick FAQs
It’s not a huge park and it’s relatively new, opened in 2000, but has a lot of interesting information. The park was established to provide education on how the Kaiser Shipyards in Richmond played a part in the readiness of the US for WWII and honor the labor of the 6 million women who entered the workforce during WWII.
Not surprisingly, there was initial resistance to women and minorities in the workforce but because of the shortage of white male workers, the government basically had no choice. This is said to have had impacts on the Civil Rights Movement and Women’s Movement in the following decades. A challenge of note for working women on the home front, was childcare. Working moms made up a large percentage. Facing this challenge led to the creation of child development centers and the establishment of the early child development professional field.
One of my favorite highlights of the park is the biography of Betty Reid Soskin. She was one of the Home Front workers in WWII and had an active part in the management plan of the national park. You can find the details of her story here.
Ship Tour
The WWII Homefront National Park visitor center has exhibits and educational films. The garden area/park has the public art project which is the actual Rosie the Riveter Memorial. The last surviving ship built in the Kaiser Shipyards is docked at the nearby Richmond Shipyard. It’s the SS Red Oak Victory Ship and you can tour the ship. They are more restricted about the tour days, but you can find details about visiting here.
I hope you enjoy your visit to this national park and exploring the area. Until next time…
May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back.
