My dad marvels that I can go on a 10 day trip with only a carry-on and a personal item, usually a backpack. At this point in my travel life, it’s pretty easy. When I’m packing my luggage, I roll everything and am usually traveling outside of winter. I can’t imagine checking in luggage and waiting at the carousel hoping it didn’t get lost. That would get me in a funky mood really quick.
Easy Luggage Packing
The thing that makes it easy for California, unless you’re headed to the snow, you don’t need to bring winter clothes. No puffy coat, not thermal underwear, no extra layers. Easy right? More room in the case for cute California clothes or souvenirs. Just throwing random ideas out there.
The other consideration is lugging all that stuff here, there and everywhere. Unless you’ve got one hotel base, meaning you’re staying at a centrally located hotel and hitting the sites from that one spot, you’ll be unpacking and repacking and tossing it in the rental to drive off to your next hotel.
And don’t forget about the baggage fees. Needless to say, this doesn’t apply to the loyalty/frequent flyer folks. Some airlines, like my beloved Alaska Air, allow a certain level of loyalty members to check their first bag free of charge. I’ve never done it…I really am carry-on devotee, but it’s an option to take advantage of if you can.
Anywho, I’ll say that the smaller airports (Oakland, San Jose, Burbank or Long Beach, etc) and SFO and San Diego seem to be the least painful for checked bag folks. LAX always seems to be a 3-ring circus when you get to their baggage claim area. Again, something to think about.
I’m on an all things luggage trip right now, and am curious to see what the feedback is about luggage brands. Think about it and let’s chit-chat.
Until next time…
May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back
