Black History Month illustration banner

Jae’s Check-In: Black History Month

January 27, 2024

February is right around the corner, yes already, and that means exploring some Black history in our great state.  This February will feature folks of interest from way back.  Think gold rush days and the founding or naming of one of California’s more noted National Parks.  I’ll take you down to San Diego to check-out […]

keEp reading

Tournament of Roses Parade, band

Well folks, that’s all she wrote for 2023!  It’s been a complete year since starting this love blog to California and I hope you’ve found some really interesting nuggets of information about the Golden State.  It’s been fun revisiting some of the locales and events that are unique to California and I hope you’ve gotten […]

Jae’s Check In for 2024

December 30, 2023

kEep reading

Jae’s Check in: May the 4th Be With You

May 3, 2023

This is going to be a stretch to get to George Lucas this month, but here we go.  May the 4th Be With You folks!  The Star Wars crowd will get it.  Even if you’re Star Wars adjacent like I am, it’s still going to make sense.  My brother forced me to sit through all […]

keEp reading

Jazz saxophone musician

How many of you knew that April 30th was International Jazz Day?  If you didn’t know, now you know!  It happens annually on the 30th…mark your calendars.  In fact, mark the whole month of April as Jazz Appreciation month. International Jazz Day International Jazz Day has become the largest annual celebration of jazz engaging people […]

Jae’s Check In: Happy Jazz Day

April 27, 2023

kEep reading

Pacific Coast Highway near Carmel. Flowers with ocean background

Jae’s Check In: Earth Day

April 19, 2023

Whether it registers on your radar or is a note on your calendar, Earth Day is happening this month.  Earth Day is April 22nd and it’s been a movement since 1970.  This date also happens to coincide with the year the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) came to exist.  As the story goes, Senator Nelson of […]

keEp reading

Lakers poster

Is it just me, or is this year flying on by?  I’m just checking-in on everyone real quick. We made it through winter (barely…do you want to see any more snow…or rain??)  and here we are with trees leafing out and flowers trying to do their thing.  Hello spring!  And thankfully, days are finally getting […]

Jae’s March Check-In

March 22, 2023

kEep reading

Black History Month graphic

Jae’s Check In for February

February 12, 2023

We’ve made it to the 2nd week of the 2nd month of 2023.  How does it feel?  Are you ready to check out California yet?  What’s the hesitation? In my mind, February is somewhat of a change month in California.  We don’t necessarily have a real winter unless you’re in the mountains, so going into the […]

keEp reading

CA flag

We’re coming to the end of the first month of 2023 and my first month having a website.  That still makes me smile.  Going through the places and sites in California to prep for the blog entries is like taking a stroll down memory lane.  I’m having a lot of “Oh yeah, I remember when […]

Jae’s Check-In

January 29, 2023

kEep reading

Travel blog and podcast beginning

Jae Pivot: In the Beginning

January 4, 2023

I honestly didn’t realize how much work getting a website and a California travel blog together was going to take.  Granted, I knew absolutely not one thing about any of it, so in the beginning I was starting from scratch.  Learning the lingo and trying to translate “tech” speak.  Ugh!  But here we are, so […]

keEp reading

a tailored introduction to the Golden state



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