Packing for a California Trip

The least of your troubles when planning for a California trip is what to pack.  This might seem like a super random post, but there are some places where I seriously have to think about what the heck I’m going to wear or what’s appropriate for a certain place/event/culture.  Of course there’s weather too.

San Diego-mild

San Diego is going to be the easiest.  Whether you’re going in January or July, what you throw in your luggage isn’t going to be very different.  You’re not going to need a puffy coat.  It would be smart to bring a coat if you’re going in the winter if you tend to get cold easily, but otherwise, nothing of the heavy winter variety.  If you’re going to a concert or something like that, it’s not going to be overly formal.  Think along the lines of business casual.  Don’t be surprised if you see folks in nice jeans and a blazer.  It’s that casual.

Los Angeles-you do you

I’d say it’s the same for Los Angeles too, but because I can be a little extra, I’ll get more dressed for things in LA than I would for San Diego.  LA weather is similar to San Diego, but again, depending on how cold natured you are, you might want to bring along something warmer in the winter months.  You’re not going to see anything below 70 until around November, so go with that in mind.  Of course, all of this is out the window if you’re going skiing.  If an awards ceremony is on your agenda (Oscars, Grammy, etc) bring the bling.  I went to a movie premier with my aunt in the fall and the whole spectrum was on display.  Full on formal wear to some who looked like they walked in from a day at Disneyland.  That’s LA.  No matter what you want to rock, own it.  I think the key to surviving Los Angeles is to unapologetically be you.  We might look at you sideways, but do you care?  Meh, try not to.  Confidence overrides a lot.

Bay Area-plan accordingly

Up in the Bay Area, specifically San Francisco, it feels more of a formal vibe when you’re out to dinner or at the theater.  Definitely bring warmer clothes especially if you’re on the ocean side of the city.  When the fog rolls in, it’s ALL kinds of cold and damp.  When it’s clear and warm in the Bay it’s gorgeous, but when the sun doesn’t come out and the fog is in, it’s too dang cold.  I can hear it now…I’m a weather wuss, that it’s not really cold unless it’s 40 or less.  To that I say whatever.  If all you’re used to is sun, 60s/70s in the winter and 80s/90s otherwise, cold is relative.  If you’re out wearing shorts and flip-flops and it’s 50 degrees where you are, then take that into consideration and pack accordingly for a “winter” trip to California.

Basically, don’t worry about packing for a California trip.  California casual is a thing.  Check the forecast for rain (we wish!!) (It Never Rains in Southern California??)(climate change is real!) and if you’re headed to the ski slopes, well, bring what you need.  Happy packing!

Until next time,

May the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back

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